A Special Thanks to recent donors:
We are registered with Kroger as a Community Rewards organization. Please visit the Kroger Community Rewards page and choose us as your organization. We are listed as SPECIAL OLYMPICS DELAWARE CO., organization number SA652. If you search for SA652, you will find us right away.
We are always looking for more coaches! We have many great coaches already, but we can always use more help. Adults, college students, high school students -- families with adults and kids who want to help -- there's a place for you to help.
All coaches are required to complete:
These are minimal requirements of International Special Olympics. Contact us if you are interested or see the Special Olympics Ohio become a coach page.
As we move through the season, we need volunteers for team parent. A team parent assists the coach and assistant coach with score keeping, snacks, drinks and anything they might need. Please contact Connie to sign-up. Please support your athlete's sport. With enough volunteers we can rotate this responsibility.
Special thank-you to our long-time team parent Jim Conger. He helps hold our athletics together!
REMINDER - Anyone assisting with the program MUST complete the class A volunteer form/background check (available on our site). There can be no exceptions. This includes one time participants as well as subs. The forms are to be sent to our Coordinator and she is to submit them for SODCOH. If you have any questions please contact Connie.
You can reach the entire committee by sending email to advisory-list@sodcoh.org.
Connie Warner | Local Coordinator |
Tiff Bowen | Family and Outreach Representative |
Jim Conger | IT and Admin |
Leslie Deacon | Finances and Coach Representative |
John Edgerton | Athlete Representative |
Jennifer Hinkle | Community Representative |
Frank Hinkle | Community Representative |
Dr. Scott Kurzer | Community Representative |
Jen Moore | Uniform and Equipment Manager |
Scott Pankoff | Coach |
We are always looking for new committee members. If you would like to help guide the future of SODCOH please send an email!
We are looking for athletes to interview. If you want to be interviewed or have someone you want to nominate for an interview, Please contact Connie at connie.warner@sodcoh.org.
Changes are still going on at the state level. Most confusing is their processing of the class A volunteer forms. We have been promised that this will be changing soon. Until then, if you get an email regarding your application please respond to it. If you're not sure about it let Connie know at.
I want to specially thank the few parents that regularly donate to SODCOH. Donations are down and participation from athletes, families and friends is almost non-existent. Athletes, families and friends do not need to donate money. Your time and participation is what we need most.
In October there will be a fundraiser at Hidden Valley Golf Course here in Delaware. The golf course will be asking for community support.
In the Winter, Penn Lanes will also have a fundraiser for our athletes. We are hoping to have the support of police and firefighters.
If you have any connections or ideas about grants we should apply for please let Connie know.
Athletes, Families and Friends,
I hope that all of you are staying well and getting some sort of exercise as we move into fall. This season has become more of a challenge than I expected. With the coronavirus still with us, returning to play has been difficult. In addition, donations have been less. We have contacted many businesses with no response. And, we have fewer volunteers.
Every school system in the area has a similar policy regarding use of their facilities. Outside groups are not being allowed any type of access. We obviously qualify as one of those outside groups. This policy includes OWU. I searched other facilities and found access only at times that were left over and not useful for us or not safe considering the covid situation. I'm not sure when this will change, but I am staying connected with each school system so that we can have access as soon as possible. This has to end some time.
Four years ago I accepted this position expecting things to be much the same as I had experienced with other Special Olympics groups, in the twenty-five years involved in baseball and in teaching. This was not the case.
Our group cannot exist without outside donations. Many, many thanks to those parents who donate. Our programs are offered free for all athletes. We get absolutely no funds from State Special Olympics. Instead, we are required to pay for use of facilities, uniforms, equipment, travel, fall, winter and summer state games, as well as some regional events. We are one of the larger organizations in Ohio covering the entire county with more than 230 athletes and growing. Our operating expenses are about $30,000 each year. Other organizations have county boards or school systems that sponsor them and cover their expenses. We do not. We are a parent run organization. Having said that, I have for several years requested parents help in fundraising. I have had no response. I find this amazing for a non-profit as large as ours.
Our coaches and volunteers include ten parents and eleven volunteers. Many are filling multiple positions.We simply need more help. Others might be skeptical volunteering with the virus still around. We need families to step in and fill the gaps. You need no prior experience. It will be the best use of your time ever. In all my experience, I have never had a family member regret volunteering.
Our Advisory Committee members as well as myself have been filling several positions each to keep SODCOH running. Committee members step in as coaches and team parents. They fundraise and supply facilities. All wear more than one hat to keep our athletes involved. In my position, I am the liaison with the state, see that all paperwork local and state is completed, organise each sport, coach, fundraise and anything else that is needed.
Please don't assume that "someone" will step in. That simply has not happened. Many of our current sports programs may not continue without support. I would like to expand all our sports opportunities as well as adding a social group and local competitions, but I cannot do it without your help. Specifically the first and biggest need is a fundraising committee. Without money we cannot operate. Second, I need volunteers. Repeated requests for assistance is not something I have ever had to do. Please make this the last time I have to ask. Thank-you for understanding and helping where you can.
Connie Warner
Local Coordinator
As with other schools that we have had access to, Ohio Wesleyan University is still not allowing "outsiders" into their facilities. We will ask again about use of their pool when it is time to start swimming.
Please visit our web site, www.sodcoh.org for more and current information, including our calendar.
You can contact us by:
Emailing us at info@sodcoh.org
Calling or texting us at 740-200-0682.
Sending postal mail to:
Special Olympics of Delaware County
7991 Columbus Pike
Lewis Center, OH 43035